Here at Cloud lettings you will never have to worry about any hidden costs!

  • Posted On: 3 Mar 2016
We are confident that we only work with the best, local contractors who are experienced and trusted in the lettings market

Some of you may have read this alarming story in some of the papers last week where an estate agent is accused of hiding commission rates of up to 33 per cent for work done by contractors on properties from landlords!

Here at Cloud lettings you will never have to worry about any hidden costs as we don't charge our contractors commission. Not only that, but we are confident that we only work with the best, local contractors who are experienced and trusted in the lettings market. We always seek to get more than one quote for each job ensuring that we check this against local rates so we can always provide great value for money.

Richie Gunning, property owner managed by Cloud said ‘Speaking as a Landlord, it isn't just the cost but the peace of mind that you are not getting ripped off which makes a big difference’.

As a local business, we are proud to support other local businesses who work towards the same high standards that we expect for our tenants.  The fact we can do this without charging extortionate prices with no hidden costs makes us proud to be a part of the Lincoln community. 

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